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Brides In Bikini

Svetlana from Irpen

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Hobbies and interests

Most of all I like to rest on the nature and I live in a picturesque place too, by the way. Fishing is my favorite hobby, but I also love to orgonise BBQ for friends and family, I like to swim and read a novel before I go to bed.

Looking For Men Type

Seeks partner: 45 - 60
The image of a perfect man (as well as woman) changed within years, right? For me the most important are real deep feelings, with such a soul-connection, when we enjoy being together and have common goals to realize hand in hand.

About me

You will notice me in any noisy company and won't forget! They say I can find a common language with anybody. And it's true. I live a full interesting life, I love my son so much, I do my favorite work everyday with pleasure, I like communication with smart, kind and helpful people, enjoy spending time with friends. I do fishing, camping often - it is such a joy for me! By nature I'm a very devoted and affectionate person. That's why I want to love! Do you want the same? I hope, you've got a closer imagination about me but maybe you are more curious now. If your answer is YES for sure we will be happy together!

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