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Brides In Bikini

Irina from Kherson

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Hobbies and interests

I love sports that helps to be healthy and beautiful. Especially I like team games which also teach to trust each others. I love intellectual games, which are forced to work and develop speed of thought, the ability to make decisions and to take responsibility for it. It is like to grow something in the garden - to work with your hands on the ground. And I love to write: fiction, realistic novels, or simply a diary of my life and the lives of loved ones.

Looking For Men Type

Seeks partner: 25 - 55
It does not come immediately, but if there is a desire to learn to feel beloved as yourself,this is perfect! My man should always genuinely be proud of me and admire realize that he is an intelligent, kind, generous man. Only he can love, and nobody else.I want us being to each other reliable support, which helps everyone to achieve success and achieve everything we dream about. The most important is that the man of my dreams every day will make me feel the happiest girl in the world just by his presence, his smile and his words "I love you!".

About me

I am an active and creative person. I work as a journalist and TV presenter. I love books, love music. I play several musical instruments, often compose melodies.I am marriage minded and family oriented. I still believe that my prince is looking for me and will come one day, kiss me and I will be his princess.

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